E-Commerce SEO Case Study: Achieving a 4x Increase in Traffic and Doubling Revenue

In this case study, we focus on an e-commerce client operating in the B2B furniture and equipment industry in the UK. The client approached us with an existing e-commerce business and a strong brand but had not prioritized SEO when setting up their company. Our challenge was to improve their organic search performance and optimize their website to drive more targeted traffic and increase revenue.

Goal of the Case Study: 

The goal of this case study is to showcase the strategies and techniques we implemented to achieve significant growth in the client’s e-commerce SEO. We aim to provide insights and ideas that can help e-commerce managers and SEO specialists enhance their own SEO practices, improve user experience, optimize on-site elements, create valuable content, and earn quality backlinks. The ultimate objective is to demonstrate how our approach led to a remarkable 4x increase in traffic and doubled revenue for our client within an eight-month period.

Step 1 – E-commerce User Experience

Visual Changes

To enhance the user experience (UX) and generate quick wins, we focused on making visual changes to the client’s website.

  • Color contrast optimization: We analyzed the color scheme of the website and adjusted the color contrast to ensure readability and visual appeal. By using tools for choosing brand colors and color contrast, we optimized the website’s color palette to create a better user experience.
  • Image placement and selection: We reviewed the placement and selection of images on the website. This involved identifying opportunities to improve the positioning of images to make them more engaging and relevant to the products. By selecting high-quality and visually appealing images, we aimed to increase user engagement and the likelihood of conversions.
  • Zooming and scaling images: To further improve the user experience, we implemented functionality that allowed users to zoom in and scale product images. This feature enhances the ability to inspect product details, which can lead to increased user confidence and a higher conversion rate.

Mobile Optimization

Given the significant amount of internet traffic originating from mobile devices, optimizing the client’s website for mobile users was crucial for their success.

  • Making phone numbers and email addresses clickable: We made the phone numbers and email addresses on the website clickable. This enabled mobile users to directly initiate phone calls or compose emails with a single tap, improving user convenience and engagement.
  • Increasing font size for mobile users: Considering the smaller screen size of mobile devices, we increased the font size to a minimum of 16 pixels for mobile users. This adjustment enhanced readability and ensured that users could easily consume content without straining their eyes.

By addressing these user experience aspects and optimizing for mobile devices, we aimed to create a more engaging and user-friendly environment, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversions and improving overall user satisfaction.

Step 2 – Technical Auditing

Google Index Management

To lay the foundation for a successful SEO strategy, we conducted a thorough technical audit of the client’s website. This involved managing various aspects related to Google indexing.

  • Removing traces of the old website: We ensured that all remnants of the client’s old website were completely removed from the Google index. By eliminating any lingering pages or outdated content, we prevented potential confusion and improved the focus on the current website’s relevant pages.
  • Managing index bloat and meta keywords: We addressed index bloat issues by removing duplication in the client’s category pages. This prevented unnecessary pages from being indexed and allowed Google to concentrate on ranking the pages that mattered most. Additionally, we eliminated the use of now-defunct meta keywords, as Google confirmed their insignificance in their ranking algorithm.
  • Adding XML sitemap to robots.txt: We created an XML sitemap for the client’s website using a web crawler tool, such as Screaming Frog. We then added the XML sitemap to the robots.txt file, making it easier for Google’s search algorithm to navigate and understand the website’s structure.

HTTP Pages and URL Parameters

During the technical audit, we identified HTTP pages and URL parameters present in the Google index.

  • Handling URL parameters in Google Search Console: URL parameters are dynamically set values in a page’s URL, such as search queries or filters. We addressed the issue of URL parameter bloating by specifying them in Google Search Console. This helped Google’s search algorithm understand the purpose of these parameters and prevented unnecessary indexing of multiple URLs with different parameter values.

Cleaning Up Legacy Strategies: 

We examined and addressed technical issues caused by outdated strategies or configurations that could potentially hinder SEO performance.

  • Removing defunct meta keywords: As mentioned earlier, we eliminated the use of meta keywords since they hold no weight in Google’s algorithm and can reveal targeting information to competitors.
  • Configuring robots.txt and sitemap.xml for Magento 2: The client’s website was built on Magento 2, a popular e-commerce website builder. We configured the robots.txt and sitemap.xml files to optimize the website for search engines. This ensured that search bots could access and understand the site’s structure more effectively.
  • Fixing canonical tag issues: We identified and resolved a site-wide issue where canonical tags were incorrectly referencing different pages instead of being self-referencing. By cleaning up these canonical tag discrepancies, we provided clear signals to Google’s web crawler bots, improving the accuracy of page ranking.

By addressing these technical aspects, we optimized the website’s indexing, eliminated unnecessary pages, and ensured proper communication with search engines, all of which contribute to better search visibility and improved SEO performance.

Step 3 – Internal Link Building

Adding Internal Links to Existing Content

To enhance the website’s internal linking structure, we focused on adding internal links to existing content, specifically between the client’s blog, category pages, and product pages.

  • Creating Relevant Internal Links: We noticed that the client’s blog had limited content and lacked sufficient internal linking to relevant product and category pages. We developed a plan to create high-quality blog content and expand its scope. This allowed us to build internal links from the blog posts to the relevant product and category pages. By strategically interlinking the content, we aimed to improve the flow of link juice and establish topical relevance throughout the website.
  • Updating Old Blog Posts: In addition to creating new blog content, we revisited the existing blog posts and updated them with relevant internal links. This involved analysing each old blog post and identifying opportunities to link to appropriate product and category pages. By updating the content and including internal links, we improved the user experience and increased the chances of conversion.

E-commerce Topical Clustering

To further strengthen the internal link structure and improve SEO, we implemented the concept of topical clustering within the e-commerce website.

  • Creating Topical Clusters: We formed “topical clusters” consisting of a cornerstone article and several supporting articles. The cornerstone article focused on a primary topic or keyword phrase, such as “protein powder.” The supporting articles discussed sub-topics related to the primary topic, such as “How to Make Pancakes from Protein Powder” or “10 Side Effects of Synthetic Protein.” Each supporting article contained internal links pointing to the cornerstone article, using anchor text closely related to the primary topic.
  • Increasing Authority and Relevance: By creating topical clusters, we aimed to pass value from the supporting articles to the cornerstone article, increasing its authority and relevance. From the cornerstone article, we then linked back to relevant category and product pages. This internal linking strategy helped to improve the visibility and ranking potential of important pages while establishing topical authority within the website.

Through strategic internal linking and the implementation of topical clustering, we improved the website’s internal navigation, provided users with relevant content connections, and strengthened the overall SEO performance of the e-commerce site.

Step 4 – Content Strategy

Guidelines for Creating Content:

  • Evergreen, algorithmically optimised content: We emphasised the creation of evergreen content that remains relevant and valuable over time. This type of content is not tied to specific dates or trends and provides long-term value to users. Additionally, we ensured that the content was optimised according to the latest algorithms, incorporating SEO best practices for improved visibility in search results.
  • E-A-T and E-commerce Content: Expertise, Authority, and Trust (E-A-T) are crucial factors in Google’s ranking algorithm. We focused on creating content that demonstrated the client’s expertise in their niche, established authority within the industry, and instilled trust in their products and services. By showcasing deep knowledge and understanding of the products they sell, we aimed to improve the client’s chances of ranking higher for relevant keyword phrases.
  • E-commerce Content & User Intent: To align content with user intent across the entire conversion funnel, we created content that catered to different stages of the user’s journey. While the client already had conversion-focused content for bottom-of-the-funnel users, we expanded upwards to target users in the research and comparison stages. By providing answers to common questions and addressing user concerns related to the products, we aimed to build awareness, acquire links, and improve visibility.

Expanding Content to Support Outreach

Before implementing an external backlink building strategy, we focused on creating a robust foundation of content to support outreach efforts. This involved expanding the range and depth of content assets that could be used to attract backlinks and engage with the target audience.

By providing valuable, informative, and shareable content assets such as infographics, slideshows, or industry insights, we aimed to establish the client as a reliable and authoritative source within their niche. These content assets served as linkable resources that could be promoted during outreach campaigns, increasing the chances of earning backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites.

Step 5 – On-Page Optimization

Page-by-Page Product & Category Page Analysis: 

To ensure optimal on-page optimization, we conducted a detailed analysis of each individual product and category page on the client’s website. This analysis allowed us to compare the page’s performance with the top-ranking pages for relevant keywords in Google.

  • Keyword Analysis: We used Surfer SEO or similar tools to analyze the number of exact-match and partial-match keywords present on each page. By comparing the keyword usage to the top-ranking pages, we identified opportunities to optimize the page’s content for improved relevance and visibility.
  • Backlink Profile Analysis: We utilized tools like Surfer SEO or Ahrefs to examine the backlink profiles of the top-ranking pages. This analysis provided insights into the number and quality of backlinks pointing to those pages. By understanding the competitive landscape, we could develop strategies to improve the client’s backlink profile and enhance their chances of ranking higher.
  • Other Key Metrics: In addition to keyword and backlink analysis, we considered other key metrics to optimize the pages further. These metrics included page loading speed, word count, and the number of images. By comparing these metrics to the top-ranking pages, we identified areas for improvement, such as optimizing image sizes, increasing or refining content length, and enhancing page loading speed.

Through the page-by-page analysis, we gained a comprehensive understanding of the client’s product and category pages and their performance compared to competitors. This allowed us to implement targeted optimizations, including keyword refinement, content enhancement, and improvements in technical aspects, ultimately improving the page’s visibility and increasing its chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

Step 6 – E-Commerce Link Building Strategy

Spammy Backlink Disavow

During our engagement with the client, we assessed their existing backlink profile and identified low-quality or spammy backlinks pointing to their website. To maintain a healthy and reputable link profile, we utilised the Google disavow tool to disavow these undesirable links. By disassociating from these low-quality backlinks, we aimed to protect the client’s website from any potential negative impact on search engine rankings.

E-Commerce Competitor Analysis: 

To gain insights and inspiration for building a strong backlink profile, we performed competitor analysis using tools such as Ahrefs. We focused on the top three competitors in the client’s niche who targeted a similar audience. By studying their backlink profiles, we identified the sources from which they acquired backlinks and emulated their successful brand-building link strategies. This analysis allowed us to uncover opportunities for link acquisition and replicate effective link-building techniques.

Building a Natural Backlink Profile: 

We recognized the importance of growing the client’s domain’s backlink profile in a natural-looking way. Considering the client had a relatively low number of existing backlinks, we adopted a careful approach to avoid any potential penalization by search engines. We initially focused on building backlinks from medium-quality domains with safe branded anchor texts. Once these backlinks were established, we gradually progressed to acquiring backlinks with targeted anchor texts from higher-power domains. This progressive approach aimed to ensure a diverse and natural backlink profile that aligned with search engine guidelines.

Referral Traffic: 

An effective link-building strategy not only improves search engine rankings but can also drive referral traffic from the linking websites. We targeted industry-relevant websites with their own existing traffic to secure backlinks. By gaining backlinks from websites that already have a substantial visitor base, we aimed to increase the client’s website traffic through referral sources. The analysis of referral traffic data showed a significant increase in revenue generated from referral sources, demonstrating the impact of this strategy.

Infographic Outreach: 

Creating and promoting infographics is another strategy we employed to earn backlinks. We researched popular topics within the client’s niche and created visually appealing and informative infographics. These assets were then shared and promoted to relevant websites, including industry publications and blogs. Infographics serve as engaging and shareable content, making them attractive for link acquisition and increasing the client’s visibility within their industry.

Local Citations: 

As the client operated within specific locations in the UK, we recognized the importance of local citations for their business. We actively pursued backlinks and citations from local publishers and directories that focused on the client’s geographic range. These local citations helped users and search engines better understand the client’s business location, boosting local visibility and relevance.

Back-Linking Results: 

Through the implementation of the e-commerce link building strategy, we achieved significant growth in the number of referring domains and backlinks pointing to the client’s website. The client’s backlink profile expanded from just a few hundred to over 1,400 high-quality backlinks. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of the link building efforts in improving the client’s domain authority, search engine visibility, and overall SEO performance.

By combining various link-building tactics such as disavowing spammy backlinks, analyzing competitor strategies, acquiring natural backlinks, leveraging referral traffic, conducting infographic outreach, optimizing local citations, and tracking backlinking results, we successfully built a strong and diverse backlink profile for the client, leading to improved SEO outcomes and increased organic search visibility.

Campaign Results


The core high-value keywords targeted for their revenue potential saw significant improvements in rankings. According to Agency Analytics, our primary tracking tool, these keywords increased by 1,467 positions. This demonstrates the success of our SEO efforts in boosting the client’s visibility and competitiveness in search engine rankings.

Additionally, according to Ahrefs data, the overall number of keywords ranking within the top 100 increased from 391 to 2,494, representing a remarkable 637.8% increase. This substantial expansion in keyword rankings indicates the effectiveness of our strategies in broadening the client’s online presence and capturing more organic search traffic.

Summary of Results

The implementation of our comprehensive e-commerce SEO strategies resulted in remarkable campaign results for the client.

  • Traffic Increase: By optimizing user experience, technical aspects, content, and backlinks, the client experienced a massive growth of 417% in organic traffic within just eight months. This substantial increase in traffic demonstrates the success of our strategies in attracting more targeted visitors to the client’s website.
  • Revenue Growth: The campaign’s impact on revenue was equally impressive. The client experienced a consistent additional monthly revenue of $48,000, resulting in a remarkable 112% increase in overall revenue. This growth elevated their monthly revenue from $43,000 to $91,000. The campaign’s success in doubling the client’s revenue underscores the tangible business outcomes achieved through effective e-commerce SEO practices.
  • Backlink Profile Growth: Throughout the campaign, the client’s backlink profile underwent a significant transformation. The number of referring domains and backlinks pointing to their website grew substantially, from just a few hundred to over 1,400. This growth indicates the success of our link-building strategies in improving the client’s domain authority, visibility, and search engine rankings.


Importance of Content and Backlinks

Through this case study, we have emphasized the critical role of content and backlinks in e-commerce SEO. Creating high-quality, evergreen content that showcases expertise, authority, and trust (E-A-T) helps establish a brand’s credibility and improves search engine rankings. Additionally, building a diverse and natural backlink profile from authoritative and relevant sources enhances domain authority, visibility, and referral traffic. The combination of valuable content and strong backlinks is essential for long-term SEO success.

Integration of Technical SEO, User Experience, and Internal Linking

 We have demonstrated the importance of integrating technical SEO, user experience optimization, and internal linking strategies in an e-commerce SEO campaign. Conducting thorough technical audits, addressing index management, handling URL parameters, and optimizing site structure contribute to improved search engine visibility. Enhancing user experience through visual changes, mobile optimization, and intuitive navigation enhances engagement and conversions. Effective internal linking, including the creation of topical clusters and adding relevant internal links, strengthens the website’s authority and supports SEO efforts.

Maximizing the Potential of Your E-commerce Domain

To maximize the potential of an e-commerce domain, it is crucial to adopt a comprehensive approach that encompasses various high-impact SEO strategies. This includes optimizing user experience, technical aspects, on-page elements, content creation, internal linking, and link building. By combining these strategies, e-commerce businesses can enhance their online presence, attract targeted traffic, increase conversions, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

In conclusion, the success of an e-commerce SEO campaign relies on the integration of content, backlinks, technical optimization, user experience, and internal linking. By implementing these strategies in a controlled and sustainable manner, e-commerce businesses can achieve significant improvements in organic search performance, traffic, and revenue. To stay ahead in the competitive e-commerce landscape, it is crucial to embrace and execute each of these high-impact SEO practices effectively.

Resource : https://diggitymarketing.com/e-commerce-case-study/